Introduction : Bio-Allin is an organic bactericide, its main ingredient is Allicin 5% derived from garlic extract.
Usefulness in suppressing diseases: Effective against bacterial leaf blight of rice, bacterial wilt of all crops and other bacterial diseases.
Methodology : Bio-Alin kills bacteria by destroying the bacterial cell membrane and impairing their ability to reproduce.
Miscibility : Miscible with all pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and chemical fertilizers except organophosphorus.
Terms of use : 1 ml. / liter of water should be mixed well and used. In the early stage of bacterial infection, the plant and root soil should be well soaked and sprayed in the afternoon.
Storage : Store in dry and cool shaded place, away from fire, out of reach of children.
Caution : Do not flood/drip irrigate crops infected with bacteria.