Bio-Killer is a bio-pesticide
Applicable to suppress the insects :
Mainly - effective against Rice stem borer, leaf roller; bringal shoot and fruit borer, Vegetable borer, cotton bollworm and fall armyworm
Introduction: It is an bio-pesticide composed of Celastrus angulatus 1% and emamectin benzoate 0.5%.
Methodology : Celastrus angulatus causes anorexia, paralysis, and stomach poisoning, and due to the efflux power of emamectin benzoate, plants are rapidly taken up and digested, resulting in rapid death of the insect as a result of loss of food intake. The active ingredients remain on the leaves for a long time and are not completely washed away by rain.
Dosage : 1 ml / liter of water should be mixed well and used.